* InterWikiName [#bf2d416a]
  [URL サーバ名] タイプ

** WikiEngines [#c3e04f1c]
-[http://www.c2.com/cgi/wiki? WikiWikiWeb] raw WikiNameのみなのでraw。
-[http://www.todo.org/cgi-bin/jp/tiki.cgi?c=v&p= Tiki] euc
-[http://www.hyuki.com/yukiwiki/wiki.cgi? YukiWiki] euc
-[http://www.jin.gr.jp/~nahi/RWiki/?cmd=view;name= RWiki] euc
-[http://digit.que.ne.jp/work/index.cgi? WalWiki] euc
-[http://fswiki.poi.jp/wiki.cgi? FSWiki] euc
-[http://www.namaraii.com/hiki/? Hiki] euc
-[http://xiki.mitsuki.no-ip.com/? Xiki] utf8

** PukiWiki [#j0d346fa]
// PukiWiki Official Main Site
-[http://pukiwiki.sourceforge.jp/? pukiwiki] utf8
// PukiWiki Developer Site
-[http://pukiwiki.sourceforge.jp/dev/? pukiwiki.dev] euc

** Search Engine [#jaaa4e4c]
-[http://www.google.co.jp/search?ie=utf8&oe=utf8&q=$1&lr=lang_ja&hl=ja Google] utf8 
-[http://search.yahoo.co.jp/bin/search?p= Yahoo] euc
-[http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/ WikiPedia] utf8
-[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ WikiPedia.en] utf8
-[http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/ WikiPedia.ja] utf8

** 拡張InterWikiName [#q192ea38]
-[./?cmd=add&page= 新規]
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*** その他 [#b69e2eec]
-[http://www.gembook.jp/tsum/page.pys?wiki= ウヰキエリア] moin
-[http://tdiary-users.sourceforge.jp/cgi-bin/wiki.cgi? tDiaryUsers] euc

I dont mean to offend but this is hiuoairls to read.  If you're on a domain environment this won't work because you need a valid username and password, if you're on a workstation network at starbucks etc, ever since Vista and Windows 7, it doesn't even open your file shares to  Public' profile networks anyway.  EVEN that aside, if they were silly enough to select  Home network' at starbucks  if their client profile has a password to log on  you still won't get access without that password.  You can't just connect to someone's open file share that they were silly enough to open and call that hacking.NB:  Instead of all that your could just sayStep 1, get their ip.Step 2, click start, run and type \\ You'll see all the shares open/available that way too.

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